Roadmap to Sustainability
In recent years the Council has made good progress towards ensuring both it, and the Borough as a whole, becomes more sustainable. However, we recognise that much work remains to be done if we are to meet the ever-increasing sustainability related challenges coming our way.
Our Roadmap to Sustainability has been developed to formalise the Council's commitments to becoming more sustainable into one document. It covers the period from 2021 to 2028 and is based on a number of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (which are most relevant to the Council's work).

For the Council to operate and deliver its activities in a sustainable manner, it must consider social, economic and environmental factors in everything it does. Our key areas for action are:
- natural asset protection and enhancement
- health, safety and wellbeing
- delivering a sustainable economy through economic development support for the Council area
- high quality shared spaces
- climate change adaptation and mitigation/carbon emissions reduction
- sustainable development of the Council's physical infrastructure and shared spaces
- resident employability, education and employment provision and support
- community resilience
The Action Plan within the Roadmap (Section 6) presents the main sustainability actions currently proposed (we couldn't include everything we are planning across the Council in one document).
The actions have been prioritised based on:
1. The prime importance placed on the Environment by residents.
2. Any gaps identified in plans/ arrangements currently in place within the Council.
Please access the full document to find our more: Roadmap to Sustainability