Site Clearance Works, Marine Gardens, Bangor

Friday 23rd February 2024
The much-anticipated redevelopment of Queen's Parade is currently programmed to begin in Summer 2024, with work on site starting in the area currently used as the Marine Gardens' car park.
Some pre-construction site clearance work needs to be done now to accommodate a summer start date. This is specifically the removal of vegetation from the area within the red line shown on the map attached, prior to birds starting to build their nests.
The clearance works will be undertaken by a contractor employed by Bangor Marine (Queen's Parade developer) starting on Tuesday 27th February and lasting for approximately seven days. Some minor disruption to small areas of the car park can be expected but it will remain open throughout the works.
Officers from the Council's Parks Service have inspected the site to identify the number/variety of trees and to determine the viability of any being transplanted elsewhere in the Borough. More than half the trees, mainly those growing in tree pits, are in poor condition and ill health, leaving them unsuitable for transplanting. The trees located in the car park flower beds and lawns are, in the main, healthier, however, they are very mature and have grown to such an extent that transplanting is considered to have a low likelihood of success.
Timber from the site can, however, be used by local groups - including Holywood Men's Shed (woodturning, habitat building, school group visits) - and by some local schools for forest school and environmental projects.
Bangor Marine will be planting c70 new trees, including semi-mature trees to provide instant impact, as well as a range of other planting as part of their redevelopment plans for Marine Gardens.
Aran Blackbourne from Bangor Marine said: "Our current programme is for a July 2024 start. There is plenty of hard work needed to achieve this but we remain fully committed to that summer date and are undertaking these clearance works now, in line with the legislation around protecting nesting birds, so there is no impediment to us starting work on site in July. Disruption in the area will be minimal during the removal works and Marine Gardens will remain open as normal as soon as the clearance is complete."